


When I was in my twenties, I decided to pursue a career as an engineer and made full bets in life. And I persisted in continuing to work even though I was in poor health. In retrospect, however, that choice may have been somewhat reckless. Because the area in which I specialized had become obsolete, and the company was leaning.


At the age of 40, I began to feel a sense of crisis and decided to get involved with stock investors and forex trading, as side jobs were prohibited at that time. However, I regret that I should have pursued other side jobs at this time. As long as I had done a good job of filing my tax returns, there was no problem.


In all likelihood, it is outdated for a company to prohibit its employees from taking on side jobs. Lifetime employment is also said to be difficult in this day and age. What we believed in and worked so hard for ended up being a stick in the mud. But I think the employees themselves have their own problems to keep working without being aware of such a situation.


So I came to the conclusion that we should avoid making a full bet on any one thing. It is important to have two to three sources of income in parallel and to make a concerted effort. This will be an effective measure in Japan, where suicide is common, as it will provide mental stability.


Furthermore, we felt that it is unreasonable to limit income sources to Japan alone. This is because globalization is progressing, values are diversifying, and the world is becoming more and more united. We have the opportunity to ride this trend.

インターネットを活用して、国境を越えた仕事をすることができる。リモートワークやフリーランスで世界中のクライアントと繋がり、外国企業との取引や投資も可能になっている。また、eコマースやアフィリエイトといったオンラインビジネスを活用すれば、国際市場での収益を得ることが現実的になる。 これらの可能性を考慮すると、日本に固執せず、グローバルな視野を持つことが重要だ。私たちが自分のスキルや知識を活かして、世界中のビジネスチャンスを追求すれば、収入源は確実に増えるだろう。 そして、そんな自分を見つめ直し、柔軟な働き方を模索し続けることが、私たちが人生を踊るためのステージを広げる鍵となる。挑戦を続け、様々な場所で自分の才能を発揮し、時には失敗を経験しながらも、その経験を糧にさらなる成長を遂げる。そうやって人生の舞台を広げていくのだ。 最後に、私たち一人ひとりが、自分の人生においてフルベットするのではなく、常に柔軟で適応力のある姿勢を持ち続けることが、幸せな人生を送るための秘訣だと思う。だからこそ、私はこれからも世界を舞台に、人生を踊り続けたいと思うのだ。そして、これを読む皆さんも、そんな人生の舞台で共に踊りましょう。

We can use the Internet to work across borders. We can work remotely and freelance to connect with clients around the world, and we can do business and invest with foreign companies. In addition, online businesses such as e-commerce and affiliate marketing make it feasible to generate revenue in international markets. Considering these possibilities, it is important to have a global perspective and not stick to Japan. If we pursue business opportunities around the world, utilizing our skills and knowledge, our sources of income will certainly increase. And continuing to look at ourselves in this way and exploring flexible ways of working is the key to expanding the stage on which we can dance our lives away. We will continue to take on challenges, demonstrate our talents in various places, and sometimes experience failures, but use these experiences to grow further. This is how we expand the stage of our lives. Finally, I believe that the secret to a happy life is for each of us to maintain a flexible and adaptable attitude at all times, rather than to make full bets in our own lives. That is why I want to continue to dance through life on the world stage. And I hope everyone who reads this will join me in dancing on such a stage of life.
